Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Confirmation or Unease

If you contemplate the questions, what is my life all about and you receive confirmation congratulations you are living the life you want. If there is some hesitation or unease, you need to start digging deeper. What is it that comes up? Write it down and begin studying your dissatisfaction.

Some people have a tendency to ignore dissatisfaction. It is the old saying, “ignorance is bliss”. Maybe at first ignorance is bliss—over time whatever we resist will persist. I find the persistency becomes annoying because it is reality knocking on my door getting louder and louder. At some point the volume becomes painful and our dissatisfaction deserves attention.

Once you get in touch with your dissatisfaction pull it close like a doctor analyzing a sickness, turn the questions around. Why do I want to be here, what do I want my life to be about and when I am gone what do I want people to remember me for? These can be very empowering questions. Journaling can be some of the most transformative work. If your life is worth living—it is worth writing about.

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