Monday, March 31, 2008

Mind and Body are One

Guest Blogger... 
I just got back from vacation and this entry is from Brad Bolding who is the Director of our Plexus Center within the Nemours building. Enjoy Brad’s observations!

It is interesting to think about how much life is what we perceive of it.  Individuals who voice that they are very busy may indeed feel the weight of the world on their shoulders due to the effects of living in poor health.  An unhealthy individual may awake each morning feeling sluggish and unrejuvenated, giving the mind the perception of a day that seems like walking up a large steep hill.  For example, when walking up a flight of stairs seems like a nuisance, I could only imagine what the anticipation of 3 meetings and 15 emails thereafter must feel like.  Again, the mind and body are perceiving things as larger than they may be.  Coincidentally, an individual who takes the time to be fit will begin to feel less busy, as energy levels and perceptions change for that day’s tasks.  In the end, it is ironic that people who are too busy for exercise may have more time than they think to exercise, due to the unhealthy body feeding the mind a perception of limited time due to lack of energy and physiological well-being.

I was speaking with a member the other day and had a bit of an epiphany related to individuals who have social anxiety due to poor body image.  They then conversely have poor results in the gym due to avoiding over-exhaustion, as their minds relate the heavy breathing to a panic attack, creating an uncomfortable and nervous condition.  (This can all be backed by understanding that the same areas of the nervous system are triggered during both incidences)  Thus, they are in a cycle of failure that is tied to a negative relationship with the physical effects during exercise, which are directly related to their lack of exercise.  The irony is that exercise is one of the only things in this world that has zero negative side effects.

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