Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Saturday morning I did what I normally do. I was awakened by my daughter Leia. I changed her diaper and then went downstairs where Sara was changing Liam’s diaper. I made the coffee and then turned on the morning show only to find that Tim Russert had suddenly died. It was a blow to me, as well as to thousands of others. I really loved to watch “Meet the Press”. There was something so special about Tim and his passion for his family, his career, and for life in general. I was really drawn to him because he exuded that passion and I love surrounding myself with passionate people. Just the other day Jimmy (8 year old son) asked me what passion meant. 

Johnny: It is something that you feel strongly about. Jimmy what am I passionate about? (I held my breath for a moment realizing I am about to hear what he observes me getting excited about.) 

Jimmy: Spending time with your family. 

Johnny: OK Jimmy, you are right. What else am I passionate about? 

Jimmy: Helping people get healthy and feel good. 

Johnny: Jimmy what are you passionate about?

Jimmy: I am passionate about lacrosse. I like to practice lacrosse.

Johnny: Why do you think practice is important? 

Jimmy: Practice makes you better and if I don’t practice I might lose my passion. 

All of this from an eight year old!

Tim Russert aligned himself with something he enjoyed and practiced it over and over again, making a career and an exuberant life out of it. What puts a smile on your face? What pumps your blood? Are you aligning your life with your passion? Life is too short to wish and hope—you have to make things happen. I believe if you take one step towards your passion your passion will take two steps towards you. Today do something that brings you one step closer to something you love and see what happens. I bet you will be surprised! 


Susan Schwartz said...

I always enjoy reading your posts, Johnny. This one really spoke to me today. Thanks!

Susan Schwartz

Anonymous said...

Jen talked about your "Passion" blog in class this morning and I had to check it out for myself. Great post Johnny - very inspirational!

I love what you said about aligning ourselves with our passion. Life is way too short to wish and hope.

Jen also talked about Tim Russert. So sad to die so young but he left a wonderful legacy.

Apparently Russert often said, "the best exercise for the human heart is to bend down and pick someone else up". Tears started to stream down my face when I heard that (in class mind you) because it aligns with my passion.

My heart is passionate about encouraging people not to give up on themselves and to seek smiles and giggles where ever they go.

My new mantra: Don't give Up! Instead, Giggle On!

Jennifer Collison said...

I'm so glad you checked out the blog, Christa! I keep thinking about this topic and the importance of aligning ourselves with the things we care about (just as important as keeping out bodies aligned). I think it's when we fall out of alignment that we are more likely to fall prey to discouragement and despair, more tempted to give up on ourselves. (what's the Buddhist story about feeling lost in the woods, tempted by a myriad of paths, when, in fact being on The Path??) I look forward to checking out your website, Christa, and to see how you're stoking the fires.

On top of all this pondering, we happened to watch The Astronaut Farmer last night. Charlie Farmer, ex-Air Force and schooled in aeronautics but a cattle farmer (like his dad), builds a rocket in his barn. It's his dream to orbit the earth. Of course people think he's crazy and he faces all kinds of resistance, especially when he pulls his 3 kids out of school to become his flight crew, but at one point his father-in-law says to him, "You are a good father. I couldn't even get my family to eat dinner together. You've gotten yours to dream together."

Real passion (spiritual alignment, if you will) does that, I think. It lifts others up, and in the best of cases it rubs off. EY and the Plexus network are what they are and work like they do, cause they're built on the foundation of your passion, Johnny. "Giggle-On!" has that same potential - awesome...